Monday 21 September 2015

Pig Sick

The alleged story of David Cameron "putting a private part of his anatomy" into a pig is great fodder for comedy and Twitter has certainly taken up that mantel admirably, however beyond the comedic value of this revelation, there is a deeper analysis to be gained. What this story tells us is that, if true, Cameron and his cohorts do not inhabit the same world that you and I do, they have their own set of rules, their own set of values and their own set of morals. Cameron represents the very thing that everyone hates about the Tories, he is rich, entitled, born with a silver spoon, toffee-nosed and looks down upon us mere mortals (particularly if you are Scottish or from Yorkshire.)

But pigs aside for just one second, it beggars belief that this guy and his pals have been elected twice as they do not represent us. They represent that elite 1%, often erroneously referred to as the "top" 1%. That means that 99% of us (or 100% if you are a Scot) are led by a government that do not represent us or our way of life. The simple fact is that The Tories are there to protect their way of life, not ours. That 1% that sit and cream off the top need the poor to be kept poor, they need people that are desperate for minimum wage work, they need wages and living standards to be kept low so that their profits can be kept high and that is why they need Tories.

The guy on minimum wage, working 8 hours operating a machine to churn out hundreds of units that cost £5 to make but sell for £50 is the basis on which this 1% have gotten rich and remain rich. The machine operator sees none of the profit from his hard work because his poverty is necessary to keep the machine running. The Tory run media churn out story after story about "migrants" and benefit cheats milking the system, wanting something for nothing and taking from OUR society whilst contributing nothing but it is to distract you from the reality that is the 1% taking from the 99% like parasites on an institutionalised basis.

So while the internet is having a field day today with these allegations, and rightly so, I shall leave the comedy to others as in my view, if true, David Cameron sticking is dick in a pig is the least disgusting thing he's ever done!

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