Monday, 11 May 2015

Political Scapegoating for Dummies

Let me give you a quick lesson in political scapegoating.

So you find yourself in the situation where your election campaign was unsuccessful, your party is extremely unpopular, you've aligned yourself with a party who are the very embodiment of everything you claim to stand against to protect a establishment that is more in their interests than your perceived own and have used every dirty trick and fear tactic in the book to do so. What's more you were caught doing it.

What do you do?

Simple, you find someone to blame, make that person the bad guy and the cause of everything that is wrong and everything that is unpopular and you get rid of him. Then you can demonise him, criticise him on telly and in the papers and say you never agreed with him and make out that all the bad stuff was his idea. Now that he's gone everything you hated about us is gone and all the good stuff is left behind.

It's been done time and time again and the public fall for it time and time again. Next step is to find a new guy or girl who looks like a gameshow host and will say everything you want to hear and you will fall for it. Won't you?

Obviously this is completely hypothetical.

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