Thursday, 30 August 2012

Open my mouth and let my belly rumble

There is a saying, I'm not sure where it came from. In fact it may well be something that my Grannie made up that my Mum accepted as perfectly reasonable then passed to her kids to do the same. Perhaps it's a family heirloom and now that I have committed it to the world I'll get £1 every time someone says it!

Well the saying goes like this; "He just opens his mouth and lets his belly rumble" and it basically means when someone is a gas bag and is mouthing off a load of rubbish about something. How apt that I should choose this as the title for my first blog as this is exactly why I have started it. It may amount to nothing, I may never blog again, or I may find myself going through life constantly finding things I want to blog about. We shall see, but whether it be some tasty little nugget in the news, a rude exchange with a man in the street or a moment of joy I can't keep to myself, this is where I shall come to spout forward my wisdom, make my thoughts be heard and generally open my mouth and let my belly rumble.

I am currently applying my Wildesque intelligence and rapier wit to the problem of internet trolling but my thoughts have not quite arranged themselves into a solution as yet. It may come to me in the bath or it may come to me in the middle of the night and I'll have forgotten it by morning, who knows. My half formed theory at present is mind blowing and may well change the world though, I'll give you an insight: ignore them and they'll go away.

It's a work in progress, watch this space for more to come.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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