The last thing I ever wanted to hear from Bono if I'm honest.
Cards on the table, I am a sucker for a good cheesy Christmas tune and the original Band Aid is up there amongst some of my favourites. In fact there really is nothing like a good Christmas tune. Which is what the new Band Aid song is: nothing like a good Christmas tune. In fact it's shit.
Obviously taste in music is subjective and you can't please everyone so I'm sure there are those who will enjoy the new single. But this isn't a music blog and no-one involved with the charity single is claiming it's Beethoven's 7th, it's shitness isn't really the point here. Though it's shit, let's all agree on that before we proceed any further. It IS shit!
The reason I am labouring on this point is in the interests of full disclosure, so you know that I don't like it musically. Because I'd hate it to come out later and for you to think it's what has coloured by view of it. It's not. It's awful, flimsy, castrated lyrics and general fluffiness is not the reason I dislike it. I dislike the politics. And actually as I look around it would appear that the tide seems to be turning against Saint Bob and His Holiness The Bono as others seem to dislike it too. It seems that perhaps Bob has been a little misguided this time around.
Here's the thing. Although for corporate reasons I'm not at liberty to divulge what exactly it is I do and who I do it for, I have recently changed job roles. I have gone from a role with responsibility for Scotland and Ireland to a role with responsibility for Europe, Middle East, Africa and India. Now I'm my previous role I would probably have bought the single and never listened to it but felt a little bit good about myself for having played a part in wiping out what is undoubtably a horrific disease. I would have bought into Saint Bob's vision of an Africa crippled by this most virulent of diseases. The images of African children with swollen bellies, swarming with flies, still burned into our collective psyche I think many of us would have done the same and indeed have. By association we assume that if Bono and Geldof are asking us to dig deep once more then things must really be desperate.
But now my view of the world has changed. The fact is I now have colleagues in Africa who I have meetings with at least once a week and I know that they aren't speaking to me from shanty towns or sheds with corrugated iron roofs. In fact they are based in air-conditioned offices and I know know how much money they have and how much business they do locally because I am involved with their budgets. So it seems to me that the Africa that I deal with must be a different Africa from the one One Direction and Coldplay are begging us to help. I've asked and they do know it's Christmas time, they are off or a couple of weeks in fact!
But Africa, it transpires is a rich continent, it has an infrastructure and it has wealth and a growing economy, yes of course there is poverty and there is famine but that is not the bigger picture. There is corruption and there is much to be done, that's is not in doubt, but that is not what Band Aid are asking us to donate to. Band Aid are specifically targeting Ebola. Let's just put this into perspective, Africa has a population of 1.1 billion and according to the latest World Health Organization update on November 14, 2014, a total of 14,383 Ebola cases have been reported. That's less than 0.01 percent if I've done my maths right (which I may not have as I couldn't fit all the zeros on my calculator). But it's a small amount anyway. And it's currently only present in 3 countries across the African continent, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. So to be clear I am not suggesting Ebola isn't a problem and isn't worthy of you time and money but the suggestion by Band Aid that the whole continent is on its knees is offensive and damaging.
Africa is developed in places, developing in others, but if there is one thing that will inject money into an area it's if people with money go there and spend it. Not charity, tourism. But if there's one thing that prevents rich people from visiting a place, it's the constant message that the place is run down, dangerous, riddled with disease or in any way a risk. And that is the image being perpetuated by Mr Geldof and Bono.
I repeat, Ebola IS a terrible problem and there are parts of Africa that really need our help and I would hope that if you have a few Bob (ha ha ha ha, clever eh?) to spare you'll spare it. Not because Paloma Faith and Ollie Murs are singing cleverly re-written lyrics in a Christmas song but because it's the decent thing to do.
The new Band Aid kind of reminds
me of an elderly relative on Facebook, sharing every scare story and scam warning they come across without ever checking snopes! All the celebrities involved seem to be enthusiastically begging us to help as Bob and Bono told them to without actually stopping to check if what they are singing about is real or required! I don't doubt the sincerity of Messrs Geldof, Ure and Bono in their appeal, I just think they are misinformed and misguided and leading the young and impressionable ex-X Factor contestants astray.
The fact is people are donating, there is money going to help fight the spread of the disease and treat those afflicted and if anything the charity single dilutes that as it gives people an instant hit of warm glow simply but downloading a 99p track off iTunes.
So if you would like to help and you can afford to spare a few quid please click on the link below I donate to Oxfam's Ebola appeal. You won't have to listen to One Direction and you won't be touched by Bono.
Oxfam Ebola Appeal
Do They Know it's Christmas 2014
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